Vaccinations & Shots

Dominican Republic: Heart & Soul of the Caribbean‎ > ‎

There are no vaccinations or shots required to enter the Dominican Republic.

We recommend that you consult your local travel clinic to see if they recommend any  inoculations specifically for you.  To find out the most current travel health information, we recommend that you visit the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) web page on the Dominican Republic.

Note on malaria

There is malaria in the Dominican Republic, but on the CDC's web page specifically about malaria in the DR states that the estimated relative risk for travelers is "low".  Consequently, most travelers on our program do not take anti-malarial medication. 

However, because malaria is present in some areas of the country, some travelers do choose to take the medication. There are several options to consider for anti-malarial medication, some of which can have serious side effects. It has been our experience that some many people react very negatively to Lariam and have needed to stop taking this medication during the program. This can negatively impact their experience. Please speak with your doctor about whether or not it is appropriate to take anti-malarial medication while on your program and which option is best for you.