Weather & Packing List

Peru: Children of the Andes‎ > ‎


The weather in Cusco is not as warm as most Latin American cities, largely due to its location high up in the Andes. The average high stays in the low to mid- 70’s for most of the year. The lows, however, dip quite drastically from mid-40’s between September through April to mid-30’s between May-August. The rainy season lasts between October through April.  We have opposite seasons, our summer is Peru's winter. Please dress in layers!

Packing List

Must - Haves:


During the Peruvian winter months (May to August), it can be very cold, especially during the evenings. Also, in developing countries such as Peru, warming the inside of a home is often difficult. You will need warm clothes for indoors, as well. During these months, please consider packing:

Travelers to Peru often buy alpaca clothing in the markets, which is very warm and perfect for the climate in the highlands. Travelers can reduce the amount of clothing they plan to bring with them and pick up some clothing when they get to Peru (i.e.- jackets, ear-flap hats, socks, and gloves are all popular to buy and easy to find everywhere)

Bath / Personal:


Recommended luggage: 

Donations: please refer to this link here for an updated list of donation items. 

Discover Corps Provides:

*Electrical outlets in Peru are either Type A (U.S.) or Type B (European). Voltage is 220 volts. You will need and voltage converter and plug adapter to use U.S. appliances.

*There is hot water in the accommodations. However, at times it can be very weak and may not be as warm as expected. This is very common in Peruvian villages and something to be flexible about during your time there

*Laundry: The hotel in Cusco usually has laundry services available. In Andahuaylillas, you can either wash your clothes by hand in a laundry area, or the guide can help you contact the service. It will also be washed by hand (costs around $10).