Currency & Tipping Guidelines


The official currnecy of Ecuador is the US Dollar. We recommend bringing dollars for tipping . You can also take US Dollars out of the ATMs in Ecuador. 

Please contact your bank and let them know you will be traveling in Ecuador and may be using both debit and credit cards. If your bank doesn't know, they may block access to your card. Please note ATM's are a bit more limited on the islands. We suggest that each traveler allocates $100-200 for the entire trip not including tips.


While you won't have to worry about tipping throughout the trip at meals, etc., we do encourage tips for our guides. We recommend a range below, and this is  traveler. Feel free to allocate this and give at the end of the trip; no need to tip them at the end of each day. Please note you typically will have one guide for the Quito portion, and one guide for the Galapagos portion. 

Quito Guide: $15-25 per person for your time in Quito. You can give tips to the Quito guide on the morning of Day 3 before you fly to the Galapagos.

Galapagos Guide: $40-50 USD per person for your time in the Galapagos. You can tip your guide at the end of the tour before you head to the Airport on the final day.

All Driver tips are covered by Discover Corps!

Amazon Extension

We would recommend $15-$20/per person for the guide and $15-$20/per person for the staff at the lodge (tip that is shared between lodge staff) for the duration of your stay - Please note this is a recommendation for the total time you are there, not per day.