Currency & Tipping Guidelines


Please contact your bank and let them know you will be traveling in Thailand and may be using both debit and credit cards. If your bank doesn't know, they may block access to your card while you are here. On this note, there's no need to bring large quantities of cash. There are plenty of ATMs and we will make stops for you to take out money. We suggest that each traveler allocates $100-200 for the entire trip.  Most places only accept cash (Thai Baht).

Tipping :

While you won't have to worry about tipping throughout the trip at meals, etc., we do encourage tips for our guides, drivers and staff at the Elephant Conservancy. We recommend a range below, and this is per traveler. Feel free to allocate this and give at the end of the trip; no need to tip them at the end of each day. 


$10-15 USD per person, per day


$3-5 USD per person, per day

Elephant Conservancy staff (general tip for all staff)

$15-$25 per adult for the entire 3-day experience